Raw Peppermint Slice

Nothing screams childhood to me more than eating delicious home baking after helping Mum in the kitchen. There was something about getting to devour what you made that kept me coming back for more. One baking dish that I loved was my Mum's peppermint slice. It was always a special treat and I would look forward to my one piece a day. Things have changed since then. I am dairy free as well as gluten free now which meant that the peppermint slice I used to devour as a child was no longer an option.
As well as this I wanted to create a raw version of the slice we had always baked which led to this raw slice creation. The difference between this slice and my old childhood peppermint slice is the fact that this slice is :
-Dairy free
-Refined sugar free

Let me know if you try it and tag me in your creations @the_porridge_princess!
-1 cup roasted cashews
-1/2 cup of pitted dates
-TBSP Cacao powder
-1 and a 1/2 TBSP melted vegan butter
-TBSP Pure maple syrup
-Pinch of salt
-1 cup of cashews soaked*
-1/4 cup of water
-1/2 cup of coconut oil
-3 drops of peppermint essence (can adjust to preference)
-1 cup of dessicated coconut
-1/3 pure cup maple syrup
-Green food colouring
-100g melted vegan dark chocolate (I used Lindt 70%)
-Tsp coconut oil

-Assemble food processor according to the brand instructions.
-Put the roasted cashews, cacao powder, margarine and dates into the processor and add a pinch of salt. Pulse in 10 second intervals in your food processor until the ingredients are mostly broken down and resemble breadcrumbs.
-Line a tray with baking paper and put the base mixture into it, pressing it down to cover the tray.
-Freeze for an hour in the freezer or until set.
-Pre soak cashews overnight or for at least 4 hours.*
-Drain cashews and add to food processor with a 1/4 cup of water.
-Add the coconut oil, peppermint essence, desiccated coconut and maple syrup to the food processor.
-Blend until creamy and add green food colouring if you want that green mint colour.
-Place filling on top of base and set for 1-2 hours in the freezer or until solid.
-Break up your chosen dark chocolate and melt in a small saucepan over a low heat.
-Once it starts to melt add coconut oil to improve the consistency.
-Add on top of the filling and set in the freezer before cutting.
-Store in the fridge once cut and tag me in your pics!
-Lasts for up to 10 days in the fridge.

-The cashews can be either raw or roasted to soak, raw cashews would be more ideal.
-To soak cashews cover 1 cup of cashews with 1/2 cup of water and cover. Place in the fridge if soaking overnight.